Touch of the Mediterranean comes to St Dominic's Catholic School

A third lockdown has seen a closure of many schools once again. However, some do remain open for the vulnerable and the children of key workers, providing a safe environment for them to learn and enjoy.

Last week we were able to complete another successful school installation, this time for St Dominic’s Catholic School in Hackney, East London.

6 olive trees in oak planters, with benches between, were strategically placed in the main playground creating beautiful focal points and peaceful seating areas for the children. Mediterranean varieties of rosemary, curry plant and irises were planted at the base.

Oak raised beds were built along the back wall of the playground, housing ivy green screens to create a barrier between the playground and the busy Wick Road beyond. Herbs and fruits were also planted for the children, as well as 6 privets to fill the gaps in their existing hedge, further reducing the pollution.

Although lockdown continues to bring its hardships, we are privileged enough to be able to contribute towards improving these essential spaces, which in turn will hopefully be enjoyed by the rest of the school upon their return.

Please contact us for more information on our school greening initiatives