Meristem Design

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Hospitality Parklets Rolled Out Across London

With spring around the corner, what better way to encourage people back to our high-streets and to help boost businesses than by adding Hospitality Parklets. As we all know, the hospitality industry was hard hit by Covid 19, so we were instructed to design, build, and roll out a series of Hospitality Parklets to help the hospitality sector to encourage people to eat outside in a safe, secure seating area.

What better way to help our high streets recover than by putting in hospitality Parklets that help invite people back? Instead of cars clogging up our streets, we should be putting in measures that encourage people to walk, spend time, relax, and dine outside. 

There is no doubt about it Parklets make a big difference. According to URBIS, revenue generated per day by a dining Parklet is $1,660 compared to $950 for a car parked[1]. It is clear that we should give over more of our space to people. People are what make our towns and cities, not cars.

Hospitality parklets examples:


In total eight hospitality Parklets were rolled out across the borough, the feedback from the businesses adjacent to the Parklets have been amazingly positive with reports of a significant boost to their trading.


Four hospitality Parklets were put in place outside restaurants and cafes, all with green roofs.

We are in the process of rolling out more hospitality Parklets across London.

If you require more information about our hospitality Parklets or know an area that would be well-suited to a Parklet please contact us.

 [1] Dining Parklet occupancy, expenditure and duration of stay based on: Urbis, 2021, Extended Outdoor Dining Program evaluation for cities of Melbourne, Yarra and Stonnington